Nardò, a baroque city in Southern Italy, where we hold our retreats

Hi there,

Thanks for stopping by. If you enjoy thinking about and discussing writing, language identity, travel, history & traditions, then this is the place for you.

The Writing Grove is the place to:

  • Explore the people, histories and cultures of Southern Italy and The Netherlands, with a few other places thrown in!

  • Learn how to travel more slowly and with intention

  • Cultivate your creativity and commune with other writers on a writing retreat in Italy. Learn more here

What students say about my workshops & retreats:

"I learned a lot about improving my writing...  colour, context, background, senses...The feedback was really useful! The exercises were really well thought-out and the writing examples were really high quality. I found them motivating and challenging. 100% recommend to others." - Clare, France

"I learned how to inject detail and emotion in my writing. I really enjoyed reading the sample exercises to gain insight. I do look forward to more opportunities with The Writing Grove - online and in-person :)" Lisa, USA

Why subscribe?

Subscribers have access to:

  • Local stories from Italy and The Netherlands you won’t find anywhere else

  • Interviews with fascinating people, authors, chefs, activists and people from around the world on

  • Insights into emigrating to a new country, learning the language and finding yourself in a new culture - the good, the bad and everything in between

Who am I?

I’m Lloyd. I was born in a small Virginia town in the United States. I have a degree in Film Studies from Columbia University in New York. I’ve studied playwriting and directing at the renowned National Institute of Dramatic Writing (NIDA) in Sydney, Australia, and worked with the Bell Shakespeare group there. I have a certification in running writing workshops from the Knowledge Academy in London.

Short plays I’ve written have been performed in New York, London and Australia. My writing has been published in Europe and the US.

These days, I’m a Dutch citizen and divide my time between The Netherlands and Nardò in Puglia, Italy, where I hold writing retreats.

I also have extensive experience working on projects with international luxury brands, hotels & resorts.

In my day job, I help companies with their marketing technology infrastructure.

A bit more about olive groves

Olive groves fill the landscape of my beloved Salento. Sadly, the disease has ravaged them over the past decade, killing millions of trees and decimating the local economy and the tree cover vital for the ecosystem. Intensive work is underway to regenerate the groves.

You can support Olivami, one such organisation, whilst simultaneously offsetting your CO2 emissions and receiving excellent, locally-produced olive oil.

Subscribe to the writing grove

Discover the stories of the people and places of Puglia, Italy and beyond. Join one of my workshops or retreats!


Founder of The Writing Grove, a creative writing school, and That CRM Newsletter, a resource for all things marketing technology.